This blog has been placed firmly on the back-burner for a while due to an array of different commitments. Needless to say, 2014 has been a hectic year, one that has left little time for baking or blogging, no matter how hard I try to squeeze it in.
A deliciously refreshing mojito-smoothie at Karpo, King's Cross. |
Whilst struggling to keep on-top of a teetering pile of books for various reading lists, as well as churning out essay after essay in an effort to complete my final year, I had Lincoln College Ball to contend with. It went off with a bang - of course it did, we organised it - and the food was smashing, but hell did it take up a lot of time.
Add to that a break up, a fair few rocky weeks, a crazy summer of Europe, camping and waitressing, and blogging just hasn't been hitting top of my priorities list.
But now, I'm back, with some new realisations, hopes and aspirations.
I type this blogpost from my desk at delicious.magazine (shh, don't tell), one of the UK's top selling food mags and my personal favourite. I somehow managed to land myself an internship here and here I am, in my third week of writing, editing, baking and cooking.
Red velvet cake with vanilla frosting and white chocolate truffle snowmen, dusted with desiccated coconut snow. |
The term 'dream job' has never been more applicable. I adore this place: the people, the office (complete with its own dog), the work, but most of all, the food. I've had countless opportunities to learn and try things I'd never even considered before. We get stacks of food packages delivered daily. And I'm finally realising the sheer volume of material that goes into creating the beautiful, glossy pages of delicious.
More than this, however, is that delicious hasn't just given me an insight into journalism and media. Its given me an insight into myself. With my final year at Oxford looming, I've finally realised and fully embraced what it is I know I want to do with my future. And it fits under one word: food.
And so, with this realisation safely in my apron pocket, and access to a fully functioning kitchen next term at Oxford, I feel rather like I'm about to embark on the project of my future: as corny as that sounds. I want to spend the rest of my life writing about food, talking about it, photographing it, eating it, trying new things, and most of all, sharing it with others.
Pan-fried pollock with cauliflower puree and channa-masala at Ottolenghi's, Islington. |
I've always known that nothing gives me pleasure quite like baking. There's a certain serene calm to the methodical nature of it, and the satisfaction gained when other people enjoy your food is unending. But recently, as I have fumbled around in the world of cookery, I've realised that cooking also affords me a joy that little else does. It makes me feel steady, constant and focused. A welcome break from the chaos of the outer world, and a particularly welcome break from the pressure and fast-paced life of Oxford with its deadlines, coursework and exams.
So thanks, delicious.magazine, you've given me the keys to my future. It exhilarates and terrifies me all at the same time; my blog is amateur, unpopular and quite frankly a little lame. How on earth am I going to get a foot in the door of the foodie world? But I can make it into something. And even if I don't, I think I'll be happy even if only one person finds a small piece of pleasure in reading it.
I've dotted a few foodie snaps of a joyful month in London throughout this post. They only represent a handful of restaurants I've visited and samples (courtesy of delicious!) I've tried. Hopefully they give demonstrate a snippet of the happiness that this month has given me. As a country-bumpkin at heart, I've always been quite repulsed by the idea of living in London. But I see now, that as far as food goes, this city has so much to offer. I don't plan on missing out on any of it. London, i'll be back: for you and your food.